Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Santasi Anyinam in Kumasi lacks drainage system

Residents of New Kagyasi, a suburb of the Kumasi Metropolis within the Nhyiaeso sub-metro have appealed to the city authority to provide the area with culverts and a drainage system to make life a bit bearable for them.

The area is located in an undulating topography full of hills and valleys. As a result, whenever it rains, water from the steep sides collects soil and deposits it at the lower land. This has resulted in a heavy siltation of the main gutter lying along the main road thus reducing its capacity to take in more water.

They claimed that the unavailability of culverts and a drainage system in the area has compounded the many problems facing them.

According to the residents, they said the only waste disposal containers had been placed far from the area thus discouraging people to make use of it.

As a result, most people would rather burn their waste or refuse, or dispose of them at inappropriate place and making the area susceptible to flood whenever it rains.
The residents told the Times that due to the lack of a drainage system and culverts, rain water wash away greater part of the roads whenever it rains thus making the area unmotorable as a result of serious soil erosions.

Kagyasi is a fast developing plush residential area within the Santasi-Anyinam suburb of Kumasi that could be likened to the East Legon of Accra.

Aside the main road passing through the area, there is no single tarred in the entire community starting from Santasi and up to end of Kotwi where Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly shares borders with the Atwima Kwanowoman district assembly.
The only culvert in the area lie along the main road and has been grown with weeds and is heavily silted with sand as a result of soil erosion.

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